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Bizkaia 21

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  • Egilea: Consorcio de Aguas Bilbao Bizkaia -Bilbao Bizkaia Ur Partzuergoa
  • Editorea: Consorcio de Aguas Bilbao Bizkaia -Bilbao Bizkaia Ur Partzuergoa
  • Area Tematikoa: Ingurumen arloko iraunkortasuna
  • Azpiarea: Ingurumen kalitatea
  • Hizkuntza: Ingelesa
  • Formatua: Ikus-entzunezkoa

The Full Water Cycle , Wastewater treatment in Galindo

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Galindoko Ur Hondakinen arazketa prozesua azaltzen duen Bideoa.



But ´Consorcio de Aguas’ biggest sewerage project of recent years is the Galindo waste water treatment plant in Sestao, a labyrinth of installations where there is no way out for dirty water.

Construction of this plant began in 1985, it has played a decisive part in improving the natural environment image of our rivers, estuaries beaches.

Work on the Galindo plant was completed in 1990, since then it has been treating 350,000 cubic meters of waste water per day, with a maximum throughput of 12,150 litres per second.

The plant carries out two different processes: water treatment treatment of process sludge.

Water treatment begins with the elimination of the larger solid waste, which is filtered out by a number of sieves. The water then goes on to a tank where sand settles to the bottom grease rises to the top with the aid of air blowers.

The grease is removed by skimmers, the sand is pumped out .

In the primary decanting tanks any organic matter suspended in the water settles to the bottom as sludge. The water goes on to a distribution channel to continue treatment.

The next stop is biological treatment. The water goes into vats where an oxygenation system favours the development of bacteria which feed on the organic matter, thus getting rid of most of the material dissolved in the water. The bacteria are removed in secondary decanting.

The sludge resulting the various water decanting processes is treated to thicken it, then dried sent to furnaces where it is incinerated at 850 ºC. The steam obtained is used in a cogeneration plant, where it produces sufficient electricity to meet all the needs of the treatment facility.

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