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Bizkaia 21

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  • Egilea: Consorcio de Aguas Bilbao Bizkaia -Bilbao Bizkaia Ur Partzuergoa
  • Editorea: Consorcio de Aguas Bilbao Bizkaia -Bilbao Bizkaia Ur Partzuergoa
  • Area Tematikoa: Ingurumen arloko iraunkortasuna
  • Azpiarea: Ingurumen kalitatea
  • Formatua: Ikus-entzunezkoa

The full water cycle , Water treatment in Venta Alta plant

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Venta Altako Uren tratamenduaren prozesua azaltzen duen Bideoa.



The water collected in the reservoirs is transported across the complicated local landscape via an extensive network of pipes for treatment at potabilization plants located at various points in Bizkaia.

Consorcio de Aguas runs five plants that potabilize up to 111 million cubic metres per year: Venta Alta in Arrigorriaga, Basatxu in Barakaldo, Lekue in Galdakao, Garaizar in Durango San Cristóbal in Igorre.

The biggest of these potabilization plants is Venta Alta, which treats supplies water to a large proportion of the residents of our member municipalities. Its treatment capacity is seven cubic meters per second.

The water the reservoirs in the Zadorra system that reaches Venta Alta is already of very high quality, but it still contains impurities such as solid particles, magnesium, iron bacteria that must be eliminated before it can be distributed for consumption.

At the plant, water undergoes an initial chlorination process to disinfect it eliminate any pathogens. It then goes on to the sedimentation tanks, where it is held while the impurities in it settle on the bottom to form sludge .

Sedimentation is accelerated by adding chemical reagents to the water that encourage particles dissolved in it to join together. This forms heavy flakes that settle to the bottom of the decanters, leaving clean water on top .

The sedimented sludge is removed, dried sent to a controlled landfill .

The decanted water is distributed through successive layers of sand filters with different thicknesses where the smallest particles are retained. All that remains then is to add chlorine to ensure that the water remains potable throughout the distribution process, to adjust its pH. The water ready for consumption is then stored in these tanks at the Venta Alta plant.

The process at the Venta Alta plant is carried out by a staff numbering almost a hundred, who permanently monitor millions of litters of water in real time through automated, remote-controlled processes.

Water quality parameters are monitored throughout the process the very beginning at the offtakes in springs, rivers reservoirs, at the potabilization plants in the distribution networks. Strict monitoring is assured by the quality certificates granted to both the drinking water the wastewater treatment laboratories.

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